Learn About Alumni Events

Celebrate our Anniversary With Us!

As of 2021, our cooperative passed a landmark 50th anniversary of incorporated existence, and we want you to help us celebrate! The housing cooperative is everything it is today because of the cumulative efforts of our members. Whether you lived in a co-op for a summer or a decade, you made a mark on this community.  We’re inviting alumni back to reconnect and mingle with former housemates.

Our first-ever annual meeting was held in May 1971 at Potter Park to celebrate the incorporation of the SHC and purchase of our first house at 505 M.A.C. (now known as Vesta House). It’s fitting to have our golden anniversary at the same place.

We now have 17 houses providing affordable housing to almost 250 people, and are always trying to expand the stock of affordable housing. More than that, we’re a vibrant community with a vast array of individuals who have all impacted it in some way. Alumni are welcomed back for this once-in-a-lifetime event. Will you celebrate with us?

Save the Date

WHO: Past and Present Members

WHERE: Potter Park Pavilion

WHAT: SHC 50th anniversary reunion (and 51st!)

WHEN: May 13, 2023

RSVP here