Members: 7 to 9 members/ 6 rooms: 1 deluxe room, 1 guest room
Approx. cost: Single-$435/mo, Deluxe-$485/mo, Single Plus (two people moving into one room)-$585/mo
Floors: 3
Bathrooms: 3
Mealplan: No
Refrigerators: 3 full, 1 mini fridge
Laundry: 1 washer, 1 dryer
Common Areas: Living room, dining area, kitchens, basement space, deck, porch
Highlights: Shed, hardwood floors, Multi-level deck, kitchen on each floor, near community gardens, large wraparound porch
Bus Line: closest-CATA route 2(5 min walk), CATA station(10 minute walk)
Nearby Locations: Downtown Lansing, REO Town, Capitol Building
Blocks from LCC campus: 9
Interested? Apply to the SHC first by clicking here. Then contact Chase, the Membership Officer, at harambee@spartan.coop.
Harambee Gallery
To be posted soon!