msu.shc's profile picture


MSU Student Housing Co-op

Just some cozy homes and a big family nestled in between two pines www.msu.coopFollowed by howlandia and chel.seadee
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op on September 03, 2020. Image may contain: cloud, sky, tree and outdoor.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op on July 16, 2020. Image may contain: text that says 'SHC Green Team Are you passionate about sustainable living? Join the new MSU SHC Green Team! Members of the Green Team will: will: Educate fellow co-op members on sustainable living practices Share stories about co-op houses and members that are already engaging in sustainable living •Plan educational (and fun!) SHC-wide events focused on sustainability Email Casey Paskus at for more details :)'.
Photo shared by MSU Student Housing Co-op on July 08, 2020 tagging @grace_james856. Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and outdoor.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op in East Lansing, Michigan. Image may contain: 6 people.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op on June 08, 2020. Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'BLN BLACK LIVES MATT LIVES MATTER'.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op on May 12, 2020. Image may contain: 11 people, people standing and outdoor.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op on January 27, 2020. Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op in MSU Student Housing Cooperative. Image may contain: one or more people and people standing.
Photo shared by MSU Student Housing Co-op on November 09, 2019 tagging @toosoupforyou, @cornucoopia, @marinternet, @mclax, @shanbandana, @cass.feith, @based_annika, @anbogak, @nmelasi, @nolawarner, @heck.jones, @nwalker90, and @viola_connor.jamz. Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor.
Photo by MSU Student Housing Co-op on April 21, 2019.
Tons of your fellow co-opers are involved in environmental orgs on campus! Come out to the Big Green Gig to learn more about how to be more sustainable!
@howlandia's Howland Fest was an absolute blast! Thanks for hosting! taking advantage of the warm weather and @nohauslikeohaus's wall
It's almost looking like spring at Miles Davis! ☀️🌲🌲
Gotta love those paczkis 😋
Home is between the pines wherever you are! Happy Spring Break MSU and LCC!
Love seeing all the amazing talent within the co-ops at @howlandia's Open Mic Nights! taking advantage of the snow!
NASCO Institute 2018 🎉
Let’s make a cake !